my one of the new poems


Born in the shadow of mother cloud,
got holy from the almighty.
bundle of glory and honor come down,
Show your will; Oh, Little Pirates.

Fighting all the way down,
struggling with desire; are generous.
crawl onto winds, jump off the trees,
Don't get fragile be valorous.

Oh, LittlePirates, you affirm,
have a shape of an egg drooping.
some small, few large not infant,
remember Little Pirates, you are the fighters.

Tumble all the way down on mother earth,
sacrifise life for toddlers who see you;
laughing and expecting their thirst run away.

You get title 'Little Pirates',
for the glory, for the heritage.
You are tomorrow, were yesterday,
You are today; in our hearts setting down.

We praise you, appreciate you,  
learn from you as well as get from you.
You are our necessity, without any clue,
Our champions of generations;


Stuti Kaushik said…
This poem is dedicated to rain drops.... hopefully while you read it again and again you'll get the point :-)

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